Nitro Wiki

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Nitro Wiki

The Nitro Type test site is a site that is used to test upcoming features for bugs. It is closed off to the public and is only accessible by admins between testing, but is usually opened up to troubleshoot large updates and oftentimes feature cash bonuses.


  • It was first used in December 2011.
  • The site was used later in 2014-2015 for Nitro Type 2.0. However, it was not used to test Nitro Type v3 and was replaced by Nitro Type Alpha, found at
  • The test site was again used to test the new v3 track in August 2019.
  • During September 2020, it was opened up again to test an updated v3 track with animations.
  • It has also been used since to test the Nitro City track and the Heritage Trail track. This was only available for users with Gold Membership.