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Nitro Wiki

The Nitro Type Olympics are community-run competitions founded by EthanJ.S. in February 2015. During the latest event in 2020, the Olympics were run and managed by former admin and moderator asssa123.


"Olympians," as the competitors are called, compete in four categories, listed below:

  • Accuracy
  • Speed
  • Most Races Completed (activity)
  • Blitzes (only in 2020)

The top ten racers (top 5 before 2020) in each category receive substantial prizes in the form of Nitro Type cash, and in 2020, the option to be rewarded USD via PayPal was added. The top 3 in each category receive custom titles from the Nitro admins. Custom title rewards began being distributed in December 2015, when TheCorndog announced that he would be providing custom titles and doubling the cash prizes for the Olympics. The fact that this competition is sponsored by Nitro admins sets it apart from the majority of all other user-run contests.

For the first four Olympics, the Summer Olympics ran from June 1st to July 1st, and the Winter Olympics ran from December 1st to January 1st. The Summer 2020 Nitro Type Olympics began on July 4th, 2020, and ended on August 3rd.


The IOC - the International Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games - consisted of the leaders of the NitroType Olympics. On the first day of conception, the user ②Muɔɥ②§↻↻∩ became the first member - besides EthanJ.S., the founder - of the IOC. In the early stages, there were over five members of the IOC. In the end, two members stayed: melikepi and asssa123. IOC applications were then officially closed, leaving the IOC consisting of EthanJ.S., asssa123, and melikepi, or the "Three Musketeers", as they were nicknamed.

On November 15, 2016, EthanJ.S. stepped down as chairman of the IOC as he was retiring to focus on the next stage of his life. He appointed asssa123 as his chairman. In December, Ethan had also appointed Vielle as shadow chairman.

Years after the Olympics stopped being held, asssa123, being chairman, was ultimately the one to begin to reorganize them. Applications were opened, and after 3 days, three more committee members were chosen: Tracy, DV0RAK, and spikes (who stepped down after a few weeks). melikepi remained on the committee.

In addition to IOC members, there is also an Olympic Board. The job of the Olympic Board is to bring ideas to the IOC to make the competition more fun and fair. The chosen Olympic Board members included: Jisoo, TheProdigyHenry, Weathr, PenguinTyper, and pjcrowley (who was demoted within the final week due to a conflict of interest involving his account sharing with Hysteria).

TypeOnederful was promoted to the Olympic Board a few weeks after the announcement of the Summer 2020 Olympics, and later on to IOC.

Methods of communication[]

Shivtr site (2015-2016)[]

NitroType Olympics Screenshot

Screenshot of the official NitroType Olympics website, (Screenshot taken April 2016)

The NitroType Olympics website, made using Shivtr, was created on February 9th, 2015. It went through many design and update stages until finally settling on the current design of colorful Olympics background. The design changed slightly for the Winter Olympics, with snowflakes added to the background. The site theme also changed once during the 2016 Honolulu NitroType Summer Olympics with the surfboards, palm trees, and hibiscus flowers added to the background. The banner changed periodically every Olympics.

Discord (2020)[]

The Nitro Type Olympics Discord server was created on March 25, 2020, opened to staff members on April 29, 2020, and opened to the public on May 1, 2020. For the Summer 2020 Olympics, the Discord server mainly serves as a place for people to register for the competition (anyone who joined the server and registered with the bot was automatically entered into the competition until a certain date).

Host Cities[]

Chicago 2015 Banner Logo

Banner logo for Chicago, the first host of the summer NitroType Olympics in 2015.

Host cities are chosen by user and Club O polls at least one month before the start of the Olympics. The host cities for every Olympic competition is listed below:

Winter 2015 NitroType Olympics: Munich, Germany

Summer 2015 NitroType Olympics: Chicago, USA

Winter 2016 NitroType Olympics: Vancouver, Canada

Summer 2016 NitroType Olympics: Honolulu, USA

Summer 2020 Nitro Type Olympics: Los Angeles, USA

Olympic Finishers[]

Summer 2015[]

Fastest Racers[]

Player Speed Cash Reward Custom Title
melikepi (First Place Tie) 130 WPM $450,000 N/A
firewolfrain (First Place Tie) (banned) 130 WPM $450,000 N/A
spikes 128 WPM $200,000 N/A
velociraptor32 121 WPM $100,000 N/A

Most Accurate Racers[]

Player Acc Cash Reward Custom Title
paulamirada2 98.98% $450,000 N/A
OnAWinningStreak 98.36% $200,000 N/A
NitroB0T 97.47% $100,000 N/A

Most Active Racers[]

Player Races Cash Reward Custom Title
Typing-Demon 2,745 $450,000 N/A
GreenKnight 2,665 $200,000 N/A
Damon5 2,575 $100,000 N/A

Winter 2015[]

Fastest Racers[]

Player Speed Cash Reward Custom Title
melikepi 142 WPM $14,000,000 "2015 Gold Olympian"
spikes 139 WPM $7,000,000 "2015 Silver Olympian"
firewolfrain (banned) 138 WPM $3,000,000 "2015 Bronze Olympian"
immmjimmy 135 WPM $2,000,000
TrueyBluey 122 WPM $1,000,000

Most Accurate Racers[]

Player Acc Cash Reward Custom Title
QueenOfPugs! 99.45% $14,000,000 "2015 Gold Olympian"
paulamirada2 99.16% $7,000,000 "2015 Silver Olympian"
konfuzed81 99.04% $3,000,000 "2015 Bronze Olympian"
_HOUSE 98.69% $2,000,000
iDigDogs! 97.93% $1,000,000

Most Active Racers[]

Player Races Cash Reward Custom Title
SliderOnTheBlack 5,286 $14,000,000 "2015 Gold Olympian"
paulamirada2 3,819 $7,000,000 "2015 Silver Olympian"
konfuzed81 3,088 $3,000,000 "2015 Bronze Olympian"
GreenKnight 3,009 $2,000,000
LightningTyper 2,153 $1,000,000

Summer 2016[]

Fastest Racers[]

Player Speed Cash Reward Custom Title
firewolfrain (banned) 154 WPM $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
melikepi 142 WPM $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
jt59495 138 WPM $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
barnabas09 126 WPM $2,000,000
Bandito 124 WPM $1,000,000

Most Accurate Racers[]

Player Acc Cash Reward Custom Title
QueenOfPugs! 99.77% $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
Nurtheblur 99.65% $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
dearspythree 99.50% $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
paulamirada2 99.43% $2,000,000
RULALIN 99.40% $1,000,000

Most Active Racers[]

Player Races Cash Reward Custom Title
HollowMan 8,606 $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
FeveredBasilisk 5,668 $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
petromax 5,479 $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
GreenKnight 4,599 $2,000,000
LightningTyper 4,356 $1,000,000

Winter 2016[]

Fastest Racers[]

Player Speed Cash Reward Custom Title
melikepi 146 WPM $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
genesect13 139 WPM $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
FeveredBasilisk 132 WPM $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
Bandito 131 WPM $2,000,000
zetria 127 WPM $1,000,000

Most Accurate Racers[]

Player Acc Cash Reward Custom Title
fireflybee2 (banned) 99.98% $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
Nurtheblur 99.86% $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
RULALIN 99.75% $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
paulamirada2 99.55% $2,000,000
QueenofPugs! 99.55% $1,000,000

Most Active Racers[]

Player Races Cash Reward Custom Title
HollowMan 9,554 $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
FeveredBasilisk 5,339 $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
rlepardo 4,400 $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
petromax 4,349 $2,000,000
volatile 4,113 $1,000,000

Summer 2020[]

Fastest Racers[]

Player Speed Cash Reward Custom Title
Vielle 191 WPM 40 USD PayPal OR $100,000,000 "Olympic Gold Medalist"
KeeganT 159.3 WPM 30 USD PayPal OR $80,000,000 "Olympic Silver Medalist"
zetria 158.7 WPM 25 USD PayPal OR $60,000,000 "Olympic Bronze Medalist"
pugtaka 158.2 WPM 20 USD PayPal OR $40,000,000
Dangerbob 156 WPM 10 USD PayPal OR $20,000,000
Megatypist 154.186 WPM $10,000,000
Voronwe 154.181 WPM $10,000,000
TheProdigyHenry 150 WPM $10,000,000
Qwerty 149 WPM $10,000,000
Sapphire 149 WPM $10,000,000

Most Accurate Racers[]

Player Acc Cash Reward Custom Title
anT 99.93% 40 USD PayPal OR $100,000,000 "Olympic Gold Medalist"
PlantstoDraw 99.918% 30 USD PayPal OR $80,000,000 "Olympic Silver Medalist"
Try2Win4Glory (hypertyper55) 99.915% 25 USD PayPal OR $60,000,000 "Olympic Bronze Medalist"
Bremitorix 99.77% 20 USD PayPal OR $40,000,000
crowderhead 99.62% 10 USD PayPal OR $20,000,000
Moises 99.43% $10,000,000
chanathea 99.40% $10,000,000
Dean 99.34% $10,000,000
Dvorak Flug 99.26% $10,000,000
Survivio Pro 99.00% $10,000,000

Most Active Racers[]

Player Races Cash Reward Custom Title
Wizard 29,901 40 USD PayPal OR $100,000,000 "Olympic Gold Medalist"
NANA 20,347 30 USD PayPal OR $80,000,000 "Olympic Silver Medalist"
Love 20,126 25 USD PayPal OR $60,000,000 "Olympic Bronze Medalist"
DEMON ENDURANCE 16,949 20 USD PayPal OR $40,000,000
Survivio Pro 15,775 10 USD PayPal OR $20,000,000
Starstruck 13,630 $10,000,000
Wildflower 13,575 $10,000,000
Cheetah 9,714 $10,000,000
Leno 9,636 $10,000,000
genthethief 9,501 $10,000,000

Highest Blitz Averages[]

Player Blitz Average Cash Reward Custom Title
anT 10.4 40 USD PayPal OR $100,000,000 "Olympic Gold Medalist"
Sapphire 9.7 30 USD PayPal OR $80,000,000 "Olympic Silver Medalist"
Alex 9.27 25 USD PayPal OR $60,000,000 "Olympic Bronze Medalist"
Legend972 9.1 20 USD PayPal OR $40,000,000
Qwerty 8.92 10 USD PayPal OR $20,000,000
KeeganT 7.95 $10,000,000 + $100,000,000 for most total blitz points
Peaches 6.71 $10,000,000
NotYourTypicalTypist 6.7 $10,000,000
Dragon 6.53 $10,000,000
Despoina 5.53 $10,000,000

Olympics Hiatus[]

During Season 1, Travis stated that the Nitro admins would no longer be sponsoring the Nitro Type Olympics.

"Although the Olympics was always a cool event, we will no longer be supporting it due to seasons replacing it. That being said, we still are planning the ability to have player run 'season-ish' events where the chairman of the event spends their money to sponsor prizes and such. This will allow you to properly run olympic events (minus the titles). And if the prizes are big enough, we'd probably be willing to throw up a news post for it. But other than that, it would all be funded by those running the event." ~ [NT]Travis, February 22, 2017

The fact that the NT admins would no longer be sponsoring the Olympics, plus the fact that EthanJ.S. had stepped down 3 months prior, caused asssa123 to make the decision to cancel the Olympics entirely. As a result, no Nitro Type Olympic competition was held until 2020.

Reorganization efforts[]

Summer 2018[]

In May 2018, TheRedBaron (former admin) was interested in the Olympics and wanted to help asssa123 and melikepi bring them back. He asked them to write a proposal to give to him so he could send it to the other admins and see what they thought about it. Ultimately, the Olympics were not brought back as an admin-sponsored competition. Reasons cited by the admins included lack of resources, not wanting to link to external sites (i.e. shivtr) on the news, and them generally preferring seasons over user-run competitions.

Summer 2020[]

In April 2020, asssa123 began discussing plans to re-open the Olympics as a season-like community competiton. On April 28th, Olympic Committee and Discord staff applications were opened. On April 29th, Travis confirmed a custom title for the three winners of each Olympic category at PenguinTyper's request. On May 1st, the Olympics Discord server was opened to the public and advertised heavily across discord servers and YouTube channels, and registration was also opened. The competition was scheduled to begin on June 1, but after many issues, the competition was postponed to coincide with Season 28. As a result, it began on July 4th.
