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Nitro Wiki

Not to be confused with Gold Membership.

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06/21/13 02:03PM By Austin

Nitro Type Gold Memberships

I can't imagine why it took so long for us to create this feature... but it's finally here. Nitro Type Gold membership!

Basically you can't go wrong with Gold. The benefits are amazing, and it's only $9.99, for LIFE! And best of all, you are choosing to support Nitro Type, which the FTW team works like crazy on, and seriously needs to start earning some money! :D

Here's why you want gold:

The Xcelsior V12

There's no other way to get this car. Drive this, and everyone knows you're solid gold.



Who doesn't need extra cash?? Even if you don't right now, you sure will in the future. Trust me.

It lasts forever

Yup, you only pay once. Of course, in the future, I might change that. But if you buy now, it's yours for life.

No Advertisements

We know you don't want to see ads all over the place. They slow down the computer, are distracting, etc etc. So get rid of them!

Nitro Type Forums Membership

The Nitro Type Forums ( is an a place to discuss all things typing and Nitro Type with your fellow gold members. They had a rough past, but they're back! Well, as long as everyone behaves themselves!!

Save $ With Sweet Discounts

To start, you're going to get 15% off all cars, and 20% off paint jobs. That's a good deal right there. And in the future as we add new types of things to buy, we will always take care of our Gold members.

Official Sponsor Icon Gold badge

Let the world know how great you are with this spiffy badge next to your name.

Exclusive Achievements

There are 3 achievements you can only get by becoming Gold, and more to come!

Exclusive Early Access

As new features come out, our Gold members will always be the first to get to try them out.

And More!!!!

There are so many benefits I can't even list them all here! Go to the Upgrade page to get all the details.

» Show Your Support! Upgrade Today For Only $9.99! «
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