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Nitro Wiki

For the current version of Nitro Type, see Nitro Type v3.


Home page

Nitro Type 2.0, later referred to as v2, was a large update to Nitro Type that occurred on April 28, 2015. It included many new features, such as new car designs, using the HTML5 standard (no longer requiring Adobe Flash Player), and a new achievements page design.


New Car Designs[]

Nitro Type 2.0 featured new car designs for almost every car in the game. Players can see these new designs on the regular website at a URL that follows this style: This is where all the new car links were stored for Nitro Type 2.0. The old links were stored in URLs and followed this style: Changing the car shown in the image can be done by changing the number 1 to another number. This number is the car's ID.

There are some cars, however, that do not appear on the website. This is because these cars were made after the release of Nitro Type 2.0.

The new car designs were mainly just minor details. For instance, many of the cars' redesigns only involved small changes, such as lighter tires or more detail around the edges; however, there were a few cars that were completely remodeled, such as the Blitz R11 and Nitreux Vyrus SS.

New Track[]

A new track, which used the HTML5 standard, was released. Prior to the update, the track required the Adobe Flash plugin, which meant the site would not work on a mobile device. Flash was also an inconvenience because it required players to install Adobe Flash Player if it was not already installed. To remedy this, Nitro Type redesigned its track with HTML5 and the canvas element. One notable omission was the absence of Flag Girl, who was fully removed due to complaints from teachers.

This new design allowed the admins to make themed tracks that could change randomly, and ones for events.

However, this new upgrade would mean that older browsers, such as Internet Explorer 9, would not support the new track. The admins encouraged players to download more modern browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox.

New Achievement Design[]

The achievements page was redesigned. The basics (such as the title of the achievement, the reward, and if a player completed it or not) were untouched, but there were also some major differences. Along with this change, the feature making it possible for one to see the percentage of players who had completed an achievement was removed. Likewise, Flag Girl was removed from the achievement section on the Achievements, Garage, & Racer page.

Removal of Popularity Contest Achievements[]

Every achievement in the Popularity Contest category were deactivated, and by extension, the 8 Bit Racer and Hotdog Mobile became unobtainable.

The Hotdog Mobile and 8 Bit Racer were later made obtainable again through the Shop.

Removal of Mystery box Achievements[]

All the achievements in the "Cruisin' Back" achievement category were deactivated and the Fonicci Tricolore became unobtainable. However, a few months later, a new daily mystery box system was implemented, as opposed to the weekly mystery box system. In addition, all of the Cruisin' Back achievements were brought back, but more mystery boxes were required to get those achievements than before due to the fact that players had to log in every day to get one.

Gold Members[]

The 20% cash bonus per race replaced the 20% discount on all cars and the 15% discount on paint jobs in the Dealership.
