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Nitro Wiki

The Nitro Math test site is a site that is used to test Nitro Math, which is currently in beta. Open beta-testing was made available on January 16, 2023. It was once only available through, but has switched over to the normal site page and is still in testing, despite the URL change.

Current Bugs[]

Paint job glitch

Example of paint job glitch

Nitro Math Answer Glitch

Example of different color answer glitch

Below is a list of some of the bugs that players have encountered while playing Nitro Math beta. It is encouraged to report any bugs found here.

  • Paint jobs do not work properly and show a different hue than what was selected during a game, including some non-existent shades that you can't get normally..
  • The Shock trail shows up as the same length as the Lightning trail during a game, instead of significantly smaller.
  • No animated stickers work during a game.
  • There is a reported issue involving friend games which causes some stats to reset.
  • Very rarely, an answer will spawn that is the same color as another, but a different number.
  • Only the default paint jobs for most animated cars work during games, regardless of what color the car is painted.
  • A disqualified player's car occasionally stays on the arena for several seconds, shaking rapidly, before leaving the game.
  • Often the Daily shop car shows up as the rental car on the track, and takes longer to join the game.
  • The small animations for animated cars don't work, for example: the exhaust pipes on the Maxxbilt Jetro don't puff smoke.
  • The muzzle on the Festivitank only moves if the car itself turns (a more major animation issue).
  • At the beginning of each season, most current season stickers disappear from your sticker menu and attempting to use them results in not being able to use stickers for the rest of the game.
  • The Rainbow trail appears pixelated and glitchy.
  • The flies from the Toxic Fumes trail spawn multiple different groups around the track if a user has that trail equipped.

Patched Bugs[]

  • The cars at the top middle of the map right outside the play arena were tiny.
  • One could race on Nitro Type and play a game on Nitro Math on the same account at the same time, in a similar way to multi-tracking. If one lowered their average typing speed enough, it was a very efficient way to get a lot of Cash and XP at once. It was patched during Season 39 Volume 2. Players are now unable to play on both sites simultaneously.
  • The times "0:00" and the actual time remaining got overlaid on top of each other.
  • Using a nitro caused the fuel meter to reset.
  • No animations on animated cars would show.
  • The bulbs on the Light String trail did not flash during a game.