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Nitro Wiki
Nitro Launch Pack Logo


Nitro Launch Pack is a Nitro bundle that was released in two different variants. The variant made available to a user is determined by whether they have Gold Membership or not.

Gold members[]

This bundle is only available to Gold members. It was released on August 29, 2023 and costs $14.99 or $18.99 (see below).

The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a player logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.


Non-Gold Members[]

This bundle is only available to non-Gold members. It was released on September 11, 2023 and costs $24.99 or $18.99 (see below).

The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a player logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.



  • The price of the bundle for Gold members varies between accounts with some displaying $14.99 and others displaying $18.99. It is unknown if this is intentional.
  • The price of the bundle for non-Gold members varies between accounts with some displaying $18.99 and others displaying $24.99. It is unknown if this is intentional.
  • The only difference between the bundle for Gold members and non-Gold members is that non-Gold members also earn 1 year of Gold Membership.