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Nitro Wiki
Nitro Fortune Cash Pack Logo

The Nitro Fortune Cash Pack Logo

Nitro Fortune Cash Pack is a Nitro bundle available to players. It was released on September 27, 2023. It contains five variants, each containing different loot items and cars. The first three iterations cost $7.99 USD, with the fourth and fifth costing $9.99.

The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a player logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.


The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a player logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.


The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a player logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.


The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a player logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.


The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a player logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.



  • The logo for this bundle was found in the bootstrap as early as August 18, 2023.
  • When the bundle is pushed to a player's account by support, the time given to purchase is 170 hours.