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11/21/21 06:00PM By Adrian

Nitro City and Item Rarity, Launching Today

Nitro City, the fourth track in the Nitro universe, launches for all players today! After two weeks as a Gold Exclusive, Nitro City’s game-wide launch comes hot on the heels of Fall 2020's Nitro Speedway, Spring 2021's Seaside Rally, and the recently released Heritage Trail.

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Nitro City is a gritty urban street racing environment. Here’s now we described it just two weeks ago, when it entered Gold exclusive:

The spiky skyline, relentless rain, and neon-lit storefronts of Nitro City set the perfect stage for evening racing sessions. Police block side streets to make way for the city's renegade racers as the denizens of Nitro City line the sidewalks. When the sun sets and daytime’s rules disappear, Nitro City becomes a no-holds-barred race to see who has the fastest fingers.

Nitro City is now in the rotation of tracks and will randomly appear during your race sessions. Get racing now!

Also launching today is a new way to tell what cars and loot are the hottest. That’s right, item rarity labels debut today in the Shop, Customizer and Season screens and relevant areas.

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The rarity levels you can expect to see in Nitro Type at launch are: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary. You’ll notice that on Shop, Customizer and Season screens, the background color of an item will correspond to its rarity level - making it easy to spot the stuff you’re looking for.

And with Xmaxx 2021 season launching in less than a week, expect to find some Epic and Legendary new loot under your tree!

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