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Nitro Wiki

NitroType Dream Team, or [NTDT], is a team that was created on June 19, 2014, by ②Muɔɥ②§↻↻∩ . At one point, this was a very elite team, but lost its activity soon after ②Muɔɥ②§↻↻∩ had gone inactive, ranking number five on the All Time Most Active Team leaderboard.


  • Any Number of Races
  • 10 WPM


A full list of members can be found here.


The team was created relatively shortly after the teams feature was released, and consistently maintained a Top 5 spot on the scoreboards. However, the team started to fall in activity near the end of summer 2015 when ②Muɔɥ②§↻↻∩ went inactive. Despite being inactive overall, however, NTDT made a brief top 10 entrance in Season 5, reaching 10th place.

Current Team Officers[]

Methods of communication[]

The team had a shivtr site which can be found here.

Related Pages[]

Teams/pages related to NTDT and its community.
