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Nitro Wiki

The #NitroFurze Event was a sponsored event. It was first announced on November 9, 2020, started on November 10, 2020, and ended on December 7, 2020.


Main article: Announcing #NitroFurze and the Screw Tank

Hey Nitro Typers, it’s Austin ([NT]TheCorndog). It's been a while since I posted! Anyway, a while back, Travis ([NT]Travis) introduced me to a YouTube channel he's into, and it quickly became one of my favorites.

Have you heard of Colin Furze? If not, well, he creates insane vehicles from scratch (as well as lots of other crazy stuff), he's got nearly 11 million subscribers, and receives tens of millions of views every single day. Long story short, we reached out to him, because we wanted his cars in your garages.



Image Name How to Get Corresponding Achievement
220 small 1
Screw Tank Log in between November 10, 2020 and December 7, 2020 Screw Tank
222 small 1
Jet Bicycle Log in between November 16, 2020 and December 7, 2020 Jet Bike
221 small 1
Hoverbike Log in between November 23, 2020 and December 7, 2020 Hoverbike


Note: Achievements with an * beside them are hidden achievements.

#NitroFurze Event
Achievement Requirements Reward Points
Screw Tank Log into Nitro Type
220 small 1
Safety Tie Log into Nitro Type
Sticker 1602898282
Jet Bike Log into Nitro Type
222 small 1
#NitroFurze* Log into Nitro Type "#NitroFurze" +14
Hoverbike Log into Nitro Type
221 small 1

