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09/15/21 07:00PM By Adrian

Nitro’s newest track, Heritage Trail, enters exclusive Gold-only Preview

Hay there!

Note: Heritage Trail will launch to all members on October 1st      (Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Gold players only)

Grab a cup of apple cider and have a gourd time enjoying the Fall colors in all their glory!

There's nothing more quintessentially American than a drive through the countryside in October. The sweet, syrupy scent of baked pumpkin pies permeates each breath you take as golden-red maple leaves crunch under your tires. The setting sun's rays glint and gleam off the passing trees with a fiery glow as the coolness of fall courses through your veins.

Well, that last part might just be our imagination running wild as we spend another day on Heritage Trail - an un-be-leaf-ably peaceful country road that offers miles of color from the most vibrant autumn landscapes.

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Nothing says Fall like a little time out for fun. With Heritage Trail, now you can experience all the colors of autumn as you drive through a pastoral setting of country bridges, farms and picket fences. Don’t even chai to resist its charms.

Get in your favorite car and relive your childhood car rides when your parents drove to Thanksgiving with this stunning new jaunt down the "old country" path! Not to be a-corny, but it will be the apple of your eye in no time.

Nitro Gold members are invited to “trick or treat yo’ self” and race our latest a-maize-ing track experience, Heritage Trail, today.

If you’d like to get in on the Early Access action (a benefit of Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Gold membership), it’s not too late to sign up for Nitro Gold and head on over Heritage Trail.

Remember Gold racers: You'll be able to race against all players on, but only Gold players will see the Heritage Trail track!

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