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Nitro Wiki
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07/08/15 11:09AM By Austin

New Stuff & News!!

Wow, we've been busy here at Nitro Type HQ! And we're excited to tell you what's going on!

Carrie Did It Again! Bonzer!

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The Modder from Downunder strikes again, smashing the race record with 75,000 races on her main account @CarriePirc. Now, you all know Carrie. Not only is she the Queen of Nitro Type, but of coures is also our beloved News Mod! So what better way to celebrate 75,000 races than with her own police car... The Police Bimmer! You're the best Carrie. Good onya!

New [NT] Team Members!

We have two new team members to announce - [NT]MarlenaAllen and [NT]matherlyrocks! As you all know, to join the [NT] team you must actually work here in the office with me and Travis. Marlena has joined us to help grow and improve our sites, and Christina (matherlyrocks) will be answering all your emails and support requests. Please, everyone welcome them to the Nitro Type family! We're super excited to have them on board.

New Summer Car!

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And the moment you've all been waiting for... the upgraded version of the Six Four! This colorful summer car is the first ever to include passengers, and sure is covered in crazy flames and stuff! Sweet! Check out the Achievements page for more

Hope you're all having a great summer! Happy racing!

ve 2015 News Posts
2014: A RetrospectusWhere is Corndog this time?We Need Testers NOW!Nitro Type 2.0 Is Here!Teams 2.0 Has Launched!Bug Testers Unite!Summer Event 2015 Is Here!New Stuff & News!!Getting Ready for the New School Year!Back to School Sale!Happy 4th Birthday!Happy Halloween + Travis's Birthday!We Need Testers Yet Again!$1,000,000 for 1,000,000 RacesYou Did It! 1,000,000 in One Day!!2015 Xmaxx Event Has Begun!The Car Xmaxx Deserves...