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Nitro Wiki
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11/12/12 04:35PM By Austin

New Feature: Sell Back Your Nitros

Got extra Nitros laying around? Need a little extra cash? Sell them back for $500 each! That gives even more reason to get that first place position.

But that's not all! You can now edit your blog comments less than 2 days old. Make a typo? No problem.

Lastly, are you wondering where the "Paint Car" button went? It is now in the Dealership. Moving forward, all selling happens in the garage, and all buying happens in the Dealership.


ve 2012 News Posts
New Features are Ready for Testing!Paint Shop, New Tracks & MoreInvite Friends, Earn Sweet Rewards!Free Cash & Cool Car Contest!All I Do Is Win...Win...Win!Offensive Users BewareCongrats F4U-Corsair, (And New Cars Soon?)New Feature: Sell Back Your NitrosNitro Type Holiday Event Is Here!New Feature: The Friends List!Holiday Event Update!2012: A Retrospectus (a look back!)