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Nitro Wiki
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08/17/16 11:10AM By Travis

New Car, The Olympics, Back2School Sales, Oh My!

Congratulations [NTA]iloveshoes2!!

129 large 1

In case you missed it, the amazingly dedicated and awesomely awesome moderator [NTA]iloveshoes2 hit 125k races last week! So we are celebrating this momentous occasion with a slick new car (or version of an exclusive future skin??) in her honor. This is definitely the most exclusive car out there. Wow!

If you haven’t already, make sure you give her a huge congratulations in the comments. Seriously awesome!

30% Off Gold and Wampus Store

Until September 15th, The Wampus has been generous enough to discount his high end Gold Memberships and cash in his Wampus Store by 30%!

Gold Membership + $50,000,000 Cash - ONLY $24.49

Gold Membership + $100,000,000 Cash - ONLY $34.99

$50,000,000 Cash - ONLY $17.49

$100,000,000 Cash - ONLY $27.99

Upgrade now, or purchase for a friend! »

The Olympics

Announcing the winners of the 2nd annual Unofficial Nitro Type Olympics!

Olympic Committee

Player Custom Title
[MAUI]EthanJ.S. "2016 Olympic Chair"
PerfectlyImperfect☺ "2016 Olympic Judge"
iamtheMELIKEPI! "2016 Olympic Judge"
Typing-Demon "2016 Olympic Judge"
IamMysticLegendx "2016 Olympic Judge"

Fastest Racers

Player Speed Cash Reward Custom Title
FireWolfRain 154 WPM $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
iamtheMELIKEPI! 142 WPM $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
jt59495 138 WPM $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
barnabas09 126 WPM $2,000,000
Bandito100 124 WPM $1,000,000

Most Accurate Racers

Player Acc Cash Reward Custom Title
QueenOfPugs 99.77% $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
VormX 99.65% $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
dearspythree 99.50% $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
Aah!PaulaAnn 99.43% $2,000,000
RULALIN 99.40% $1,000,000

Most Active Racers

Player Races Cash Reward Custom Title
HollowManNoToNitros! 8,606 $14,000,000 "2016 Gold Olympian"
RunawayFloaty! 5,668 $7,000,000 "2016 Silver Olympian"
Petromax 5,479 $3,000,000 "2016 Bronze Olympian"
GreenKnight 4,599 $2,000,000
LightningTyper 4,356 $1,000,000

Congratulations to all the winners!

The End of Summer

Awww, I know, summer is over. But good news! You guys and gals definitely broke the record for summer races this year! You racked up a total of 2,039,408 races this summer. That’s crazy in the coconut! Congratulations to all of you who earned the B.O.A.T. and Y.A.C.H.T.

Happy Racing!

ve 2016 News Posts
The 2015 Retrospecticusiloveshoes2 Does it! 100,000 Races!!A New News Post! What's Up??Is It Summer Yet?Summer Event 2016!Summer Event Update: I'm Spicy!Summer Event Update: I'm On A Y.A.C.H.T.New Car, The Olympics, Back2School Sales, Oh My!No More Slow Race Bizarro World!Introducing: Seasons!Happy Hallowampus 2016!Happy Hallowampus (UPDATE)Race Server Back Up!Xmaxx Event 2016 Starts Dec. 1st!Xmaxx Event 2016!A Special Gift for Our Supporters!Xmaxx Event 2016 Update!Xmaxx Event Final Update