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12/10/19 09:34AM By Julian

NT Gold Holiday Sale!

You’ve been thinking about going Nt-gold-iconGold. You’re dying to get your hands on some of those exclusive Gold cars. And the extra Nitro Cash would be amazing. Well, to make this holiday season an outstanding one (it can’t just be all ugly sweaters and eggnog), we have some great news!

From December 10th to December 31st, Gold membership is 30% off!

There are so many reasons to go Nt-gold-iconGold - including:

  • An instant infusion of cold, hard Nitro Cash
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  • Special Gold cars during events and seasons (If you purchase during XMaxx, you’ll get the Rocket Claus!)
  • No ads anywhere
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  • Exclusive The Xcelsior Car
  • 20% more earnings each race
  • The elite Nt-gold-iconNT Gold badge
  • New titles, including the much coveted “Solid Gold”
  • Unlimited display name changes (no more having to wait 8 hours between changes)

Check out the chart below for your upgrade options and click here to learn more about the benefits of going Gold.

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Teachers - we haven’t forgotten about you!

With the holiday promotion on Gold, you can upgrade the entire class for just $6.99/student.

There are several benefits to going Gold in your class, including:

  • A completely ad-free experience, which means faster loading times, and less distractions
  • An increase in learning engagement from your students
  • Each student in your class that is assigned a Gold license will receive an instant deposit of $2,000,000 Nitro Cash (they’ll love you for this!)
  • You can store your students’ last 90 days of race logs - instead the standard 30

To get a quote for your class, simply log in to your Nitro Type Teacher Portal, click on the Purchase Gold Licenses button, and use the calculator to get a price estimate, then sit back and watch them race their way to better typing skills!

The holidays could hardly get more awesome than this. It’s time to treat yourself to Nt-gold-iconGold!

ve 2019 News Posts
Wrapping up Season 18 and The XMaxx Event!Nitro Type v3 Progress Update!Gold Member Exclusive - v3 Alpha Test!News Comments Update & New Car!Season 21 Begins May 17!Teachers, The Nitro Type Teacher Portal is Here!We’re racing to finish Nitro Type V3 and we need your help testing!Welcome to Nitro Type v3!Nitro Type Teacher Portal Has Launched!Season 22 Starts July 17!Season 22 is Here!Back 2 School Event Starts September 3rd!Come Test the New Track!Back 2 School Event Starts Now!Back 2 School - H2GO!Back 2 School Bugs Fixed!Back 2 School - The DevasTater!Back 2 School - The Event Is Over!Spooky Season 24 is here!Ideas for Using Nitro Type in Your Class!Fresh Updates for NovemberThe Nitro Type XMaxx is here... Ready, get set, GO!NT Gold Holiday Sale!New Gold Member Exclusive XMaxx Car!2019 Holiday Gold Sale Ends Soon!