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Nitro Wiki
Tbutler56a large
104 large 1

NT Gold is a car for Nitro admins only.


Not to be confused with Gold Membership.

The NT Gold is a car that can be obtained by completing the Admin Gold achievement, which is exclusive to Nitro admins.


  • This is the only car that resembles or is based on a symbol.
    • It is based on the original Gold Membership icon. While the icon has since been changed, this car has not.
  • On October 16, 2020, when the new Garage view was implemented, it was flipped 180 degrees when equipped. This has not been fixed.
  • Like all other admin-exclusive cars, its rarity is classified as Legendary instead of Admin despite being exclusive to admins.
Owners of This Car Profile Link
Travis link
TheCorndog link
katient link
tristan_crook link
asssa123 banned
Kristen Smith deleted
