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Nitro Wiki

Not to be confused with Loot page.

Loot are items that players can collect. Stickers, trails, titles, name tags, and custom nitros are currently the only forms of loot. Loot can be obtained by completing achievements, unlocking season tiers, purchasing it from the Shop, or receiving it directly from a Nitro admin.


Main article: Stickers

Stickers are an alternative to the chat seen in friend races and are used on the track. A maximum of 8 stickers can be equipped (16 if the player has Gold Membership). Players can have less than the maximum number of stickers equipped by removing them in the Customizer.


Main article: Titles

Titles are lines of yellow text with quotation marks around them that appear under a player's display name. Only one title can be equipped at a time and players must have a title equipped.


Main article: Trails

Trails are animations that trail behind a player's car as seen in races, games, and in their garage. Only one trail can be equipped at a time. A trail can be unequipped by selecting the "No Trail" option in the Customizer.

Name Tags[]

Main article: Name Tags

Name tags appear behind the player's car during races. They can only be used by people with Gold Membership. Only one name tag can be equipped at a time and Gold members must have a name tag equipped.

Custom Nitros[]

Main article: Custom Nitros

Custom nitros are animations that play whenever a player uses a nitro during a race or game. Only players with Gold Membership can change their nitro from the Default Nitro. Only one nitro can be equipped at a time and players must have a nitro equipped.
