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Nitro Wiki

Loh's Cars is a dealership of the Shop. It was added on February 24, 2023.


  • The Liberty Stallion was one of the cars in this dealership on its release. It was removed on February 28, 2023.
  • The Jury was added to this dealership on March 10, 2023.

List of cars[]

The following cars are purchasable from the Loh's Cars section:

Car Image Price
Maxxbilt Big Blue
63 small 1
Shimura 350x
Nizza350 small
Blitz Spyder
Portchspyder small
Blitz R-8.1
Auttier8 small
Shimura Suprillia
Suprillia small
Koromoto GT-R
Gtr1 small
Liberty GT40
Gt40 small
The Jury
182 small 1