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Nitro Wiki
Nitro Math Loading Messages Example

The loading messages as seen loading into a game

Loading messages appear on the center of the screen while waiting to load into a game in Nitro Math.

List of loading messages[]

Fourteen of the following loading messages can be seen when loading in. The message "Finalizing..." always appears as the last message.

  1. Seeing what Travis broke...
  2. Blaming Travis...
  3. Getting Adrian his protein powder...
  4. Emailing Kristen in all caps...
  5. Showing Zane a new shader...
  6. Wondering if Hugo is an ai...
  7. Alerting Adam of an outage...
  8. Secretly admiring Daniel's accent...
  9. Typing slower than Vielle...
  10. Searching for The Wampus...
  11. Double-checking regulations...
  12. Tuning transmissions...
  13. Polishing helmets...
  14. Syncing racing teams...
  15. Setting up checkpoints...
  16. Adjusting car settings...
  17. Awaiting final lap...
  18. Loading turbo boosters...
  19. Configuring sound barriers...
  20. Building race tracks...
  21. Syncing start lights...
  22. Practicing pit stops...
  23. Tightening lug nuts...
  24. Inspecting safety gear...
  25. Warming up engines...
  26. Securing driver's seat...
  27. Positioning race cars...
  28. Streaming live feeds...
  29. Preheating exhausts...
  30. Marking track boundaries...
  31. Balancing weight distribution...
  32. Preparing victory laps...
  33. Establishing leaderboards...
  34. Prepping the starting grid...
  35. Calibrating speedometers...
  36. Gathering race fans...
  37. Charging batteries...
  38. Rehearsing national anthems...
  39. Checking tire pressure...
  40. Readying race commentators...
  41. Activating nitrous oxide systems...
  42. Studying weather conditions...
  43. Organizing race brackets...
  44. Revving engines...
  45. Aligning steering wheels...
  46. Inflating tires...
  47. Optimizing aerodynamics...
  48. Painting racing stripes...
  49. Rolling out the red flags...
  50. Assembling pit crew...
  51. Measuring track distance...
  52. Practicing pit stops...
  53. Creating custom liveries...
  54. Finalizing...


  • Most of the messages are references to aspects of competitive racing, such as pit crews, and the rest are references to famous NT figures.