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Nitro Wiki

Below is a list of notable Nitro Type teams. We are currently not adding any more teams due to the removal of all leaderboards. The below teams met these requirements before the Top Teams leaderboard was removed.

  • Over 1,000,000 all-time team races.
  • Over 250,000 team page views.
  • Consistently ranks in the top 10 on the Top Teams leaderboard.
  • Over 2 years old.

Some exceptions such as teams owned by or teams with established names that have had a relevant impact on the community may apply.

Teams with season wins

Seasons after Season 29, the final season with a competitive leaderboard, are excluded.

11 Season Wins: Shell Riders [SSH]                           Captain: volatile
Season(s): 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, B2S, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24
8 Season Wins: *Ambassadors*[NTA]                           Captain: iloveshoes2
Season(s): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11*
3-4 Season Wins: D O G [DOG]                                 Captain: iDigDogs!
Season(s): .5, 1*,  9, 26
2 Season Wins: Syndicate [SYN]    (disbanded)                           Captain: pjcrowley
Season(s): 21, 28
1* Season Win: Empyrean Conquerors [SECT]         (disbanded)           Captain: Nightmare
Season(s): 1*
1 Season Win: SHARKS [5HRK]                                  Captain: SharkKey
Season(s): 27
1 Season Win: Trailblazers [TBZ]       (disbanded)                      Captain: Titanium_Tendons
Season(s): 25
1 Season Wins: RIZE TO THE OCCASION [TALK]                    Captain: ilikecheeseburger
Season(s): 23
1 Season Win: ❄️Active Racers [IRAN]    (disbanded)                     Captain: Mohammad
Season(s): 22*
1 Season Win: ✨Wild Fantastics✨ [WFS/TMFS]            (disbanded)     Captain: TYPEMEFANTASTIC
Season(s): 8
1 Season Win: Pinks R2 W1ld [PR2W/WAMZ]                      Captain: pinkyone               
Season(s): 29                      
*- Season 1 is in dispute due to a manipulation of result after the conclusion of the season despite the fact [SECT] led for the entirety of the season.
*- Season 11 there was a faulty margin of 800k+ points from a cheater on [NTA] that was not banned until the conclusion of the season with a total of 1,344,475 points over a 1,236,272 gap.
*- Season 14 VFC was leading during Season 14, but was disbanded 2 days into the season exclusively due to bias against the team name.

Notable teams

This will only include teams that placed first for over 30 days, top 3 in a Season, or top 5 for 90 days.

Other teams

This includes impactful teams which placed top 10 before Season 19, placed top 5 in any season leaderboard prior to season 30, or had another area of impact in the community.

Teams owned by

