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Nitro Wiki

Kristen Smith is a former Nitro admin. She was known for responding to the technical support section of Nitro Type, serving as first contact for players reporting bugs or other players, seeking to be unbanned, and seeking to have their cash limits removed, among other things.


Kristen Smith had been's main customer service specialist from Nitro Type's creation in 2011 until 2015, when she resigned to focus on her family. She returned to in September 2019. While she is still an employee of, she is no longer a Nitro employee.


  • Kristen was the Quality Assurance Lead for
  • Kristen's alt owned many cars without having completing the requirements for them, including all of the King of the Race cars, the Rental Car, and all the stock cars. She used this account to test all the Nitro Type cars in Nitro Math.
  • Kristen was the only owner of the "The Friendly Helper" title prior to the deletion of her accounts.