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Kringle 5000 L.T. was a Holiday Car.

If used during an XMaxx Event, players earned 50% extra cash and XP from each race.


The next generation of sleigh, with an aerodynamic design that’s ready to blaze through even the thickest of fogs.

The Kringle 5000 L.T. is a car that could be obtained by completing the L.T. Smash achievement, which required using 1,000 nitros with a holiday car during the 2015 Xmaxx Event. It was also made available for purchase from the Shop. See below


  • It is one of the only cars that was released later in an event without a news post.
  • Despite having similar names, the Kringle 4000 and the Kringle 4000 XL are not variants of this car.
  • It has Christmas lights that are similar to those on the Holiday Hero and the Shimura Jolly GTX LG.
  • Its back wheels are similar to the ones on the Sun Buggie and its variant, the Sandstorm.
  • It was originally going to be re-released for the 2018 Xmaxx Event as a car that could be obtained by using 600 nitros; However, asssa123 asked Travis to bring back the Winson Dark Elf instead.
    • Later in the event, it was planned to be brought back as the car scheduled for release on December 8, when the car designer went out of commission; however, the designer came back before the mentioned date.
  • It had a special price of $3,000,000 in the Xmaxx Igloo Shop section.
  • Like the Kringle 5000, its name is based on the Kringle 3000 from the movie Elf.

Shop Availability[]

Starting Date Ending Date Price
November 27, 2022 January 15, 2023 $3,000,000
