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Nitro Wiki
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This is a disbanded team.

This was once an available team, but now has been removed.


Back 2 School Event, where KNC placed 2nd.

Knight Central was a team formed by PrimalKnight on September 11, 2018.


The requirements to join were:

  • 30 WPM
  • Level 25


The officers were Sterlon, Lord-Of-The-Keyboard, DiveDeep, Cray_TCO, ayeyuhskuh, and Pandora. Another notable former officer was asssa123, who was a news moderator at the time.


KNC placed 2nd in its first and only season, beating every team except SSH. KNC was shortly disbanded after the Back 2 School (2018) season because it took up too much time and it was very stressful, according to PrimalKnight.

Methods of communication[]

The team had its own Discord server.
