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It's party time

11/01/17 09:57AM By Travis

It’s time to paaar-tay!

Aaaaand it’s done. Thanks to everyone for joining our creepy crawly Hallowampus event. You guys racked up a terrifying 19,075,586 races!

Special congratulations to the 97 cool ghouls who unearthed our hidden Pumpkin Spiced achievement.

Sure, Hallowampus has been a scream, but for us, the real celebration is today!

Can anyone guess why…?

Because it’s Nitro’s 1st birthday!!

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That’s right, our little playful mascot is getting bigger. And we’ve already gotten our party hats and birthday biscuits to celebrate.

So if you want to wish our little puppers a happy birthday put on your Nitro Pup titles to show him a lil love!

ve 2017 News Posts
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