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01/08/14 03:42PM By Austin

Introducing The Wampus

He's a rat. He's a ferret. He's a stretched out vole. Nobody really knows. But what we do know is that he's rich as a king, and looking to race.

What Is The Wampus?

Due to a glitch in the Matrix, one of our Nitro Type Bots attempted to reprogram himself, instead producing a new strange twisted bot called The Wampus. This furry creature is quite shy, but feeds on competition. Lucky for you he's also rich and extremely generous to those who can prove themselves against him.

When You Race Him

The Wampus shows up on the track very rarely. He joins at the very last second, tagging along with the 5th racer, but he rewards everyone who beats him with $50,000! And better yet, he keeps a scorecard of everyone that bests him, awarding you all with new achievements (hint: look under "Winning" achievement group).

His Other Ride...

For those of you able meet and beat this guy 10 times, he'll give you his other ride. The Fort F-125.


And that's just the beginning...

You think you can beat the Wampus? Prove it...

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