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Nitro Wiki
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04/10/18 12:45PM By

iloveshoes2 Breaks Another Record! 200,000 Races!!

She's done it again!

Our one and only beloved moderator, iloveshoes2, has yet again broken a new record on Nitro Type. This time, she’s the first to rack up 200,000 races!

To honor this feat, we've brought out the brand new Mercedex GT 20.0.

And in the time it's taken to design the achievement car and write this post, she's done another 1,499 races on top of that! We can barely keep up.

Help us congratulate her and show her some love in the comments!

Meet the Mercedex GT 20.0

153 large 1

Break the 200,000 race threshold and this fine car could be yours as well!

Cash prizes on social!

I'm also excited to say that soon we'll be launching some cool giveaways on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

So give the pages a follow and keep an eye out for your chance to win some cool, exclusive prizes in the upcoming weeks.

ve 2018 News Posts
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