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Nitro Wiki

Hehehehe is a hidden achievement that Nitro admins rewarded to a few selected members of the community.


  • ;D
  • +10 Achievement Points


  • This is the first Special Sauce achievement to have a sticker as its reward.
  • The achievement ID of this achievement replaced the ID of the So Many Lambos!1!!!1 achievement.
  • It was only awarded to Travis, PenguinTyper, Vielle, Overcomer and Jacob.
    • It was released with the intention of only being a sticker exclusive to Travis, to satirize the people asking for Shadow Floaty, but it was later given to Vielle, then PenguinTyper, and then Jacob.
  • According to the bootstrap, it can technically be completed by reaching level 999,999 and racing at least once a day for 999,999 consecutive days.