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Nitro Wiki
Nitro Wiki

04/16/21 08:00PM By Adrian

Hey NT Racers!

Today’s a big day - one you've been waiting for a long long time. Trails. Did we say we were launching them Soon™? How about Now™!

What are Trails, you ask? Simple: they’re awesome customizations you equip behind your vehicle.

Of course you can still choose to race trail-less, if that’s your thing. But with 5 default Trails launching free for everyone today, and many more to come very soon, why would you?

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Once purchased, you never lose your Trail. You’ll have it forever and can use it an unlimited amount of times. It’s an easy way to show off to all the racers who are eating your dust as you speed ahead of them on the track.

But why are you still reading this? Head on over to the Customizer and check out the Trails tab to equip yours right now!

And keep an eye on the Shop, as well as future Seasons, for a buffet of Trails - including some incredibly hype ones like Cheeseburgers, Sushi, Hotdogs and lots of non-food Trails too!

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One more thing: For those who purchase Nitro Cash (in the future, or in the past), you’ll notice you have an exclusive Cash trail in your Customizer.

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And for our Nitro Gold members, you get your own exclusive Gold trail too! Thank you all so much for supporting the team!

So make your way to the Customizer to check it out! And maybe check out the Shop this week too… there might be some slick new ones there too. :)

Good luck on the track, trailblazers!

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