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Nitro Wiki
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08/20/20 12:27 PM By Adrian

Gold Members: Test The New Track!

The next generation of Nitro Racing technology launches today, for trial exclusively by Nitro Gold members until approved for wide release.      (Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Gold players only)

The all-new Nitro Racetrack features a new track design with higher detail graphics, new animations, for the first time ever some 3D elements, a completely original dynamic crowd, particle effects and an enlarged play area that will soon respond to the size of your screen.

Also, be on the lookout for an animated Wampus - exclusive to the new track!

In the future, this new track will allow us to launch a whole new world of enhanced cars, collectibles, animations and effects. The world of Nitro Type will get a lot more shiny and cool, starting today!

If you’d like to get in on the Early Access action (a benefit of Gold-up-icon-big Nitro Gold membership), it’s not too late to sign up for Nitro Gold and head on over to the new track test area:

All your races on the test track count in the same way they would on a regular track. It’s the same game, same players, same season rewards, just a different track for Gold players.

Be sure to leave your feedback and bug reports using the form on the site. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

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