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Nitro Wiki

Simple, speedy, and saves you a buck while it’s at it. The Cooper is one of the classics.

The Flux Cooper was one of the three starter cars that were available for free after the qualifying race. If not chosen after the qualifying race, it could be purchased from the Dealership for $5,000 prior to the Shop's release on February 6, 2021. It was also made available for purchase from the Shop. See below


  • Originally, this car was the only starter car for new players, but with the release of Nitro Type 2.0, the Hydrova Rubicorn and Velocité Lion were added as options.
    • This car, along with the other two starter cars, were replaced with the Liberty Demon XRT on February 20, 2023.
    • This car is no longer automatically given after the qualifying race.
    • Currently, this car is the first mystery box reward for new users. The Velocité Lion is also able be earned from the mystery box.
  • It is featured on Nitro Type's login page.
    • Originally, the Liberty '69 Shellback RT-500 was featured on the login page, but the Nitro admins didn't adjust its image URL after the car was redesigned. This car shows up for any invalid car image URLs, which is why it's on the login page.
  • Any player who created an account from February 6, 2021, to February 19, 2023, were unable to purchase this car from the Shop since they received all three starter cars for free after their qualifying race.
  • On January 26, 2021, it received a v3 redesign.
  • Its name was Minnie the Cooper until May 3, 2021. This name is still referenced on's website under the "Nitro Type" theme.
  • Its original design is based on a Nissan Micra.
  • Its v2 version is based on a Mini Cooper, while the v3 version is based on a Mini Countryman.
  • Newer cars frequently glitch out in the garage and show as the Flux Cooper skin.

Shop Availability[]

Starting Date Ending Date Price
April 29, 2021 February 24, 2023 $5,000
