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Nitro Wiki
New 404

The current Error 404 page.

The Error 404 screen is a page on Nitro Type and Nitro Math that is shown whenever a page the user is looking for can't be found. The page features The Pirc floating in space, a 404 stop sign, and a message. This link redirects to the Error 404 screen. The page was completely redesigned in the v3 update, featuring full animation.



The 2.0 Error 404 page.

  • In Nitro Type 2.0, instead of The Pirc, the Error 404 screen included a picture of the Corsa Mephisto SS crashed into a stop sign.
  • Going to the pages /worlds, /math, and /challenge used to bring up up "false" 404 pages, in the sense that even though the Error 404 message is shown, their tab titles say "Switch Your Race World", "Switch Your Math Race League", and "Race Now - 100% Free", respectively, rather than "Page Not Found". However, they now show the default error page.
  • Going to used to result in an alternative Error 404 screen being showed, which is based off of the 2.0 one. It will now show the default error page. The old 404 error page can be accessed on the Internet Achieve here.