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Nitro Wiki
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This is a disbanded team.

This was once an available team, but now has been removed.

Electric Comets, or [ELC], was a team founded by ⚡ (Speed Typing's alt) on October 30, 2017.


Its officers were Speed TypingBremitorix, Cody, Girl~On~Fire, and soupercooper.


Although the team was created in October, it did not begin accepting applications or competing seriously until December 31. On their first day, they got up to fourth place on the 24-hour leaderboard. This was largely because of soupercooper, who did an 802-race session. ELC gained Typemefantastic the day Season 10 began. They broke the "rookie team record" during Season 10 (the previous record was 5th, and they got 4th). Later on, Lunar announced that he would be closing the team due to inactivity and stress. The team tag is currently taken, and the rookie record was taken by MWY in Season 16, and then again by KTTY in Season 18. 

The team started again under the name [COE] Comets of Extinction. However, due to the captain being gone at the start of the season and starting the team up again a bit too late, the team was closed again. The team then changed their name to COMT, then 0M0, then again back to COE. It was disbanded afterward.
