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Egg Hauler was a Spring Car.

If used during the 2018 Spring Fever Event, players earned 25% extra cash and XP from each race.


A 2018 Spring Fever throwback everyone can get eggcited about!
― Season Pass

The Egg Hauler is a car that could be purchased from the Dealership during the 2018 Spring Fever Event. The Got Carrot Away achievement would be completed upon purchase. It could also be obtained by reaching Rank 30 during Season 38, which required earning 600K XP.


  • There was a glitch where it was obtainable on March 9, 2018, after the event was started prematurely.
    • During the glitch, it had no sprite (image) and would appear on the track as the Rental Car but would show up as a blank space if it was the leading car in a race.
    • Once the leaked contents were removed, if the player did choose a different car, it would show up as the Corsa Mephisto SS in the garage and on the race track.
    • The admins refunded money to everyone who bought it during the glitch.
  • 1,067 players bought this car during the 2018 Spring Fever Event. [1]
  • Like The Candy Hauler, it is based on a Peterbilt 379.
