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Nitro Wiki
Early Bird Gold Renewal Advantage Logo New


Early Bird Gold Renewal is a bundle that was available to Gold members. It was originally released late June 2023. It costs $7.99, $9.99, or $10.99 USD.

The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a Gold member logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.


  • This bundle received a redesign, removing the countdown timer in the top left of the pop-up, and adding shadows to the logo.


The bundle appeared in the Shop under the "Special Offers" section. When a Gold member logged into their account for the first time after this bundle was released, they were given 72 hours to purchase the bundle.


  • This bundle received a redesign, removing the countdown timer in the top left of the pop-up, and adding shadows to the logo.



  • When the second version released the loot items lacked descriptions. This is still an issue.