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Nitro Wiki
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This is a disbanded team.

This was once an available team, but now has been removed.

eRacers, also known as [ZL], was a team created by Odai on Feburary 2, 2022. ZL was well known for their consistently high placements on the team leaderboards and their captain's YouTube channel.



Notable officers and members were sean200613, trainisepic, thetheocrat, gabriecp, Mirciy, and pokeslafv.


The original goal of ZL was to be a more laid-back team that retired notable racers could rest on. However, in March 2022, Odai decided he wanted ZL to become competitive. Over the course of a couple months, he was able to recruit a few active racers, but that wasn't enough to achieve top 10. Soon after the eRacers Discord server was created, the discord server URL /nitrotype was claimed by Odai.

Grinders and more active racers were now able to be easily directed to the eRacers server, and things took off. This is where Odai decided to start really putting effort into the team and leaderboard placement, and at this point ZL would do anything to achieve top 3, whether by botting or account sharing.

The team was disbanded on May 14, 2024, along with its captain being banned, for botting.

Methods of Communication[]

The eRacers Discord server.


  • ZL previously had the most all-time team races in Nitro Type.
  • ZL had won 10 consecutive seasons (7 day leaderboard).