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03/07/14 05:02PM By Austin

Drawing Winners!

The drawing has come to a close... And we have 50 winners! Without further adieu...

Grand Prize: $1,000,000 Cash & Nitro Type Gold & a Custom Title & A HIS/HER OWN CUSTOM CAR!

#1 Samsher

2nd Prize: $1,000,000 Cash & Nitro Type Gold & a Custom Title!

#2 cookieslayer123
#3 SafetyCar
#4 â™›Ben_Boyâ™›
#5 abc16

3rd Prize: $1,000,000 Cash & Nitro Type Gold!

#6 johnwilliams2
#7 Black-Rose
#8 PattyZoom
#9 iamPIG!!!!
#10 ∞InfinitySpeedSK∞

4th Prize: $1,000,000 Cash!

#11 RichardSherman1
#12 Cabbie
#13 Smoke_&_The_Bandit
#14 prodigy107
#15 lion14
#16 TooFrEaKenBeAst$$$
#17 Epic-Fist-Punch
#18 2much2do2day
#19 FanyHwangS9NE
#20 Badly_Turtle{Brony}
#21 __Aphrodite
#23 snipernel
#24 King-of-swag26
#25 [FP]Hi_I_AM_epic_DV
#26 skatedudecraft
#27 SliderOnTheBlack(➳☯⌦
#28 Retired~BosstheBeast
#29 xbazaldua
#30 FRESH_IS_ME!!!!
#31 phouston
#32 ChaosEmeralds7
#33 ≾ECA≿ocer123
#34 spasqider
#35 ianhawks9967
#36 thayskills
#37 demarieal
#38 roniblack21
#39 squirt24
#40 coffeyjoe
#41 iceninja123
#42 anvassilian
#43 [SBD]⊹Λnther⊹
#44 L.A.Kingsfan
#45 live4Him
#46 daveonhurey12
#47 Noelzt
#48 firedragon379
#49 Mr_SP33DY#​IVAN
#50 F4U-Corsair

Congrats to the winners! $1,000,000 has been deposited to your accounts!

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