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Nitro Wiki
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This is a disbanded team.

This was once an available team, but now has been removed.

Do Over, Type Again, or [DOTA], was a team founded by spikes in late 2014. The team was renowned for its high average speed, and because of this, it had great success on the now removed team speed leaderboards, ranking within the top three on a daily basis, thus granting it fame for its consistency.


The team had a high average speed requirement of 130 WPM.


spikes was the captain.

Notable players on the team included Hetaila_Britain, who was the first player to join, and no_tpyos (banned).


The team was created in 2014 and ranked very high on the speed leaderboards, even being mentioned in a news post at one point. Spikes disbanded the team in late 2016 following the announcement of Season 0.5 and the removal of the speed leaderboards, not seeing a point in owning a speed team, as well as wanting to join DOG. Since then, it has been disbanded and recreated by many players multiple times.

Methods of communication[]

Its shivtr website served as a method of communication.

Related Pages[]

Teams/pages related to DOTA and its community.

Related Speed Teams[]
