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Nitro Wiki
New Dealership

The Dealership was a page where cars could be purchased. Inside the dealership, the cars were categorized in the car catalog by the type of car, e.g. Muscle Cars, Flying Machines, Sports Cars, etc. Certain cars had corresponding achievements when purchased from the dealership.

On February 6, 2021, the Dealership was replaced with the Shop. Since then, many Dealership cars have been released in the Shop.

Dealership cars[]

Car Type Cars
Starter Cars

V3 3 small 1 17 small 1 V3 15 small 1 Rocketsleigh small 81 small 1 98 small 1 116 small 1 117 small 1 118 small 1 122 small 1 128 small 1 130 small 1 131 small 1 141 small 1 146 small 1 149 small 1 152 small 1 154 small 1 155 small 1 161 small 1 162 small 1 174 small 1 196 small 1

Sport Coupes

Winstonagile smallWinstoncitroen smallOneace smallMisouxtoad small

Muscle Cars

Missionaccomplished small 29 small 1 Fastback small Shellbackrt500 small

Sports Cars

Nizza350 small Suprillia small Portchspyder small Auttieroadster small


63 small 1 61 small 1 Bighauler small 74 small 1

Luxury Cars

Bimmer20 small 24 small 1 Cougarace small Auttieb9 small Picante small Bimmer9 small

Super Luxury

Bensv20 small Bantlyss small Therolls small

Exotic Cars

35 small 1 Mephisto small 38 small 1 34 small 1


78 small 1 Ezrider small

Super Sport

Gt40 small 39 small 1 Smallcar1 80 small 1 44 small 1 Car106 (small) 176 small 1

Race Cars

11 small 1 60 small 1 31 small 1 Mp427 small

Flying Machines

F35 small 59 small 1

Famous Vehicles

75 small 1 76 small 1

Additional Categories[]

Along with the default dealership categories, there were a couple more that would show up once certain constraints were met.

Achievement Cars[]

This dealership category only showed up when a previously earned achievement car was sold.

Event categories[]

During any active event with limited time, purchasable cars, there would be a category that corresponded to the active event, e.g., PAC Event Cars, Spring Event Cars, Holiday Event Cars, etc. 


  • Before the dealership was removed, $78,010,300 was required to purchase all the standard cars.
  • Before the Nitro Type v3 update, cars could be painted in the dealership. However, the painting option was moved to the garage with that update.
    • Before the Nitro Type v3 update, nitros could also be purchased in the dealership.
  • The last permanent car added to the dealership was the Corsa Tiesto on March 19, 2019.
    • Before that, the last car to be added was the Fonicci Samsher 458 on April 10, 2014, a car that was added as part of a car drawing reward contest in the month prior.
  • The Sports Coupes and Muscle cars used to be in increments of 5 (Levels 5 and 10 respectively). This was changed on November 14, 2016, along with the addition of the Motorcycle License and Truck Driver achievements.
    • The Sports Cars used to be level 10, while the Trucks were for level 17.
  • Before the February 1, 2020 update, cars would disappear from the dealership when purchased. After the update, purchased cars would remain in the dealership with an “owned” tag next to them.
  • On July 4, 2020, the level requirement to purchase vehicles in the dealership was removed, but the car catalog system was not changed.