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Corsa XMaxx LT was a Holiday Car.

If used during an XMaxx Event, players earned 50% extra cash and XP from each race.


A 2016 XMaxx throwback, ready to light up the track once more!

The Corsa XMaxx LT is a car that could be obtained by completing either the Lamborgotti Xmaxx LT achievement, which required completing 100 races in a session with a holiday car during the 2016 Xmaxx Event, or the Car == Lit achievement, which required using 600 nitros with a holiday car during the 2017 Xmaxx Event. It could also be obtained by reaching Rank 3 during Season 37, which required earning 40K XP and having Gold Membership. It was also made available for purchase from the Shop. See below


  • It was the first new 2016 Xmaxx Event car that was not based on a train.
  • A variant of this car, the Corsa Xmaxx LT-C, was also released during the 2016 Xmaxx Event and Season 30.
    • Unlike the Corsa Xmaxx LT-C, the "m" in the word "Xmaxx" is capitalized in its name.
    • The Corsa Xmaxx LT-C does not feature the lights of this car.
  • It was teased that this car may come back for Season 30 when Travis asked some popular NT YouTubers to put a poll up of old Xmaxx cars and see which one players picked for the one they wanted to come back in Season 30. In the end, the choice was narrowed down to four cars, with this one included in those four. Ultimately, its variant, the Corsa Xmaxx LT-C was chosen.
  • On November 26, 2021, it received an animated v3 redesign prior to its Season 37 re-release.
  • It received a price change from $100,000 to $2,500,000 on March 24, 2023.
  • Its name was Lamborgotti XMaxx LT until May 3, 2021.
  • It is based on the Lamborghini Egoista.

Shop Availability[]

Starting Date Ending Date Price
August 10, 2024 August 17, 2024 $2,500,000
October 14, 2023 October 21, 2023 $2,500,000
