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Nitro Wiki
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08/19/19 10:52AM By Travis

Come Test the New Track!

It's finally here! After months of work, we've updated the race page with a brand new design and powering technology. This is awesome for a few reasons!

  1. The new track now runs much smoother on older and budget devices
  2. The track has now been built in a way that makes it easy for us to add new features (trails, custom nitros, etc)
  3. Massively improved mobile support! Check it out on your phone or tablet, it's ridiculously fun
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Check it out!

Everything done on the test server automatically transfers to the main site, and visa versa.

Note: if you're logged in to both and, you may occasionally get logged out or run into non track related bugs. Please log out of one before using the other.

Report bugs!

20190821-032531 new-track-bug-bar

At the top of every page you'll see a Report a Bug bar. Did you run into a problem? Is the track lagging? Hit that Report a Bug button!

Our goal is to have this new track pushed to the main site by next week, so if testing isn't your thing, just hang tight 😃

Happy Typing!

ve 2019 News Posts
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