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Nitro Wiki

This category contains all Hey Big Spender achievements.

Hey Big Spender is an Achievements category for achievements that can be earned by spending a certain amount of cash; ranging from $100,000 to $1,000,000, buying certain cars, or owning a certain amount of cars; ranging from 10 to 30.

Hey Big Spender

Achievement Description Status Hidden? Points Reward
Big Spender Spend at least $100,000 Active No 20 "Big Spender"
Cheapo Spend at least $250,000 Active No 50
22 small 1
Easy Come Easy Go Spend at least $500,000 Active No 100 "Filthy Rich"
Federal Reserve Spend at least $1,000,000 Active No 200
Atv2 small
Spoooooky! Purchase the Pumpkin Hauler during the 2013 Halloween Event Disabled Yes 30 "RIP"
OooOOoOOoOoh! Purchase the Pumpkin Hauler during the 2014 Halloween Event Disabled Yes 30 "Grim Reaper"
Time Traveler Purchase the Flux Capacitor Active Yes 250 "Time Traveler"
Caped Crusader Purchase The Gotham Active Yes 250 "The Caped Crusader"
Be Like Samsher Purchase the Fonicci Samsher 458 Active Yes 250 "The Smasher"
Astronaut Purchase the NASA Shuttle Active Yes 250 "Astronaut"
Car Lover Own 10 cars Active No 50
Stallion small
Car Collector Own 20 cars Active No 70
33 small 1
Car Lover Own 30 cars Active No 100
46 small 1

All items (24)
