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Nitro Wiki

Bundles are a type of in-game purchase requiring real money. Each bundle appears based on the conditions set for that bundle.

Bundles are limited-time, meaning the player must purchase it by a certain time (usually 24-72 hours after they first see it) or it will no longer be available to them. Users may ask Support to give them the bundle option again.

List of Bundles[]

Below is a table of all bundles in order of their release date. All prices are in USD.

Name Image Cost Items Contained Limited Time? Release Date
Victory Lane Starter Pack
Victory Lane Starter Pack Edited Logo
$19.99 4 Yes June 2023
Early Bird Renewal Advantage
Early Bird Gold Renewal Advantage Logo New
$7.99 5 Yes June 2023
Supersonic Stash
Supersonic Stash
$9.99 4 Yes July 2023
Nitro Gold Rocket Recharge
Nitro Gold Rocket Recharge Logo
$9.99 4 Yes July 2023
Box o' Cash Bundle Box o' Cash Bundle Logo $9.99 3 No August 28, 2023
Trash Can o' Cash Bundle Trash Can o' Cash Logo $19.99 4 No August 28, 2023
Truck o' Cash Bundle Truck o' Cash Logo $49.99 4 No August 28, 2023
Huge Ball o' Cash Bundle Huge Ball o' Cash Logo $99.99 4 No August 28, 2023
Nitro Launch Pack
Nitro Launch Pack Logo
$14.99 or $18.99 3 Yes August 29, 2023
Nitro Fortune Cash Pack
Nitro Fortune Cash Pack Logo
$7.99 4 No September 29, 2023
Xmaxx Sale
Xmaxx Sale Logo
$9.99 3 Yes November 22, 2023


  • The notification jewel for a limited-time bundle will not disappear until it is either purchased or the time to buy it expires. If you are still online when the bundle expires, the jewel doesn't disappear until you log out again.
  • When a bundle expires, it displays "Expired!" in the countdown timer.