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05/22/15 02:11PM By Travis

Bug Testers Unite!

The New

Fresh on the bits and bytes of Nitro Type 2.0, we now need your epic testing skills over on the new! We've been hard at work preparing the new version for the upcoming school year, and like everything we build, needs a few good bug exterminators to roll through and clean things up.

So head on over to, and test away! Try everything. The typing tutor, the teacher portal, sign up for stuff, break stuff, poke around everything, take lessons, restart lessons, turn your monitor upside down, do whatever it takes! If you find a bug, click the Support tab on the left of any page, choose "I found a bug/error" for the Reason for Contact, and give us as detailed a report as you can on what went wrong, and how to reproduce the bug. Remember, the more you tell us, the easier it is for us to figure out what wrong! And remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so take screenshots! Upload them to or wherever, and give us the link in the bug report.

Nitro Type 2.0 Titles

Like we promised, we have now awarded titles out to the players who reported the most critical bugs on Nitro Type 2.0! Thanks again to everyone who participated, you all helped make Nitro Type even more awesome. Couldn't have done it without you.

In no particular order, here are our top Nitro Type 2.0 bug testers, who have received the custom title: "I Dig Bugs" :D


And a special title "Security Consultant" goes to @Asssa123 for finding a hard to find security related bug!

Oh, one more thing, the Summer Event starts June 1st! ;D

ve 2015 News Posts
2014: A RetrospectusWhere is Corndog this time?We Need Testers NOW!Nitro Type 2.0 Is Here!Teams 2.0 Has Launched!Bug Testers Unite!Summer Event 2015 Is Here!New Stuff & News!!Getting Ready for the New School Year!Back to School Sale!Happy 4th Birthday!Happy Halloween + Travis's Birthday!We Need Testers Yet Again!$1,000,000 for 1,000,000 RacesYou Did It! 1,000,000 in One Day!!2015 Xmaxx Event Has Begun!The Car Xmaxx Deserves...