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Nitro Wiki

Not to be confused with botters, players that use scripts to race for them.

Bots are "racers" that are controlled by AI. A bot appears in a race after a certain amount of time during which no human racer joins. This time period depends on the speed range that the race is in, and ranges from 0-5 seconds.

The only bot that this rule does not apply to is The Wampus, which always joins the race less than one second after the fourth racer joins. Excluding The Wampus, who uses the "You’ll Never Beat Me!" title, all bots use the "Nitro Type Bot" title. The Wampus and Midjourney are the only bots that have a racer profile, though they are not accessible by clicking on their profiles after a race like a normal user.

List of bots[]

Ghost racers[]

Ghost Racer Bot

A ghost racer being listed as a bot

"Ghost racers" is a term that was coined by the community for racers who, despite "racing" regularly, have stagnant stats. Their join dates continually move closer and closer to the current date, despite the actual account creation date being years earlier. Despite the fact that ghost racers can be seen in races, the user(s) who created the accounts are not actually racing.

While no longer possible to view, the source code of ghost racers' profiles all showed that, despite their join dates being very recent, their most recent races were done prior to the year 2014. Considering that ghost racer accounts all seem to meet specific criteria, it is plausible that they are a feature implemented by Nitro admins to make the race track appear more populated than it truly is.

Here is an example of a ghost racer. Every player racing in their WPM zone has likely raced the account at some point, yet their race count remains constant at 38. Their join date is also shown to be within two months of the current date, despite the actual account creation being much earlier.

Ghost racers are listed as bots on Nitro Type's real-time page in the admin panel. Additional testing has also revealed that ghost racers' accounts have likely been locked and unable to be accessed by their original owners.
