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09/12/19 08:07PM By Travis

Back 2 School Bugs Fixed!

Earlier this week, we started receiving reports that occasionally races were not counting towards the new event achievements. Four of us programmers jumped in a (virtual) room and agreed we wouldn't leave until we figured out what was wrong! Well, we figured it out, and it's been fixed!

For those curious (and willing to read the word 'server' over and over again), I'll give a little explanation! Nitro Type is so popular, that during peak hours we have three servers hanging out in the cloud, and each of those three servers each run three "race servers". So at any given time, we can have up to nine race servers running. Whenever we push out an update (like an event, or a bug fix, or a new feature), that update gets sent to all three servers, and then each of the race servers therein. After the servers get updated, we then restart all of the race servers so that they can start running that new code.

Wellllll for reasons we are currently looking into, the first server (which hosts our three most popular race servers) got those changes successfully, but the other servers, which are only activated during peak traffic, did not. So this is why sometimes you would do a race and the achievement would not count.

From everyone here at Nitro Type we are very sorry for this annoyance and are doing a full investigation as to why this happened to help prevent it from happening in the future. Thanks again for being loyal fans, and we hope to see you out on the track!

Happy Typing!

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