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10/04/19 02:30PM By Julian

Back 2 School - The Event Is Over!

Our first event of the school year, Back 2 School 2019, made it to the finish line today (Oct 4). The event welcomed millions of new and veteran racers who pulled out all the stops to win impressive titles, achievements, and special event cars. A few of last year’s favorites even made an appearance (would a car encore be a carcore?)

In total, the event featured five new cars plus two golden chariots for our distinguished Nt-gold-icon Gold Members, whose support lets us continue challenging you to ever faster rounds of fun.

A whopping 4,000,000+ players took to the track throughout the Back 2 School event!

But... how many were clever enough to unlock the hidden achievement?

By staying in the game with 101 races in one sitting, a mere 1851 won our secret achievement - the Valedictorian!

Congrats to every racer who took part on the Back 2 School 2019 event, you’re all winners! This is just the first of many fun activities we’re planning to have throughout the year so don’t stray too far from the keyboard!

Don’t forget - Season 24 begins on Monday, October 7th and it’s guaranteed to keep you racing, winning, and earning.

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