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Announcing The Item Shop

01/16/21 07:18PM By Austin

Announcing the Item Shop

If you were one of the lucky ones who raced this weekend, congratulations, you witnessed history as the all new Nitro Item Shop officially launched!

With Featured and Daily items, the Nitro Shop replaces the never-changing Dealership, which had been a part of our game since we launched in 2011. 🪦 R.I.P. Dealership!!

Shop Nuts and Bolts

So how does it all work, you ask? Simple. You spend your hard earned Nitro cash to buy awesome loot. Sound like The Dealership? Well it is. Except instead of a big long list that never changes...

Featured items run for one week. For now, featured items are all animated cars. Watch this space though, as we've got some truly epic new featured item types launching soon.

Daily items launch, well... daily. At this time, expect three items per day - stickers, titles, classic cars. If you don't see something you want one day, just come back the next day for a new lineup.

All shop changes happen at 7pm Eastern Standard Time, but we have a friendly countdown timer above the item categories, so don't worry about that.

As some of you have already noticed, some classic or past season cars like the Hotdog Mobile and Bimmer Prism i20 are making a comeback. So if you missed a few dream cars, then stay glued to The Shop in case they are re-released. Once an item leaves the shop, it may be quite a while until it returns (if ever)!

And are you short on cash because you want to buy everything everyday??? Yeah, I hear you. I feel the same way when I pass the local Lamborghini dealership...

First off, race! Racing earns you cash while making you a faster typist! It's a win win. But you still need more cash faster? Well... our Gold Members and Cash Shop purchasers are what keep the hard working team employed and updating this game, so please consider supporting us while also earning a lot more cash per race and per season. We literally wouldn't be here without you guys!

Other Housekeeping Notes

  • If you previously sold any cars, they have been returned to you and are in your Parking Lot.
  • You can no longer sell cars... cuz there’s no Dealership.
  • Gold players can send a maximum of $10M Nitro Cash to other players in a 7 day period. This will likely be revised in various ways in the future, such as different limits for friends and teammates.
  • New players receive three cars upon signup, rather than choosing just one. But you don’t care about that.

In Closing

Racers, we’re seriously thrilled to finally being you the new Shop, but the huge new features don’t stop there. We’re already working on a game-changing update for the Garage that will change the way you show off our hard earned loot.

In the meantime, good luck on the track and keep those WPMs up!

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