Nitro Wiki

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Nitro Wiki

The account page is the page that allows a user to change their profile, account settings, online status, password, and enable 2FA.


Players can see the link to their public profile page and an option to change their display name. Display names can only be changed once every 7 days.


Place a first and last name here, with details remaining private. Players can also decide if they want to receive emails from Nitro Type or Nitro Math. If players have a Gold Membership, it will tell them when it expires or if they have a lifetime membership.

Online Status[]

This gives players the options to allow or ignore friend requests, to appear as online or offline in the friends list and while racing in a league, and to be able to receive team invites.


The password can be changed here.

Enable 2FA[]

Two factor authentication can be enabled and disabled here.
