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Nitro Wiki

;D is a sticker that could be obtained by completing the Hehehehe achievement, which was awarded to a select few people for their contributions to the community.


  • This sticker is commonly referred to as the "Shadow Floaty" sticker.
  • This sticker was suggested as a meme and joke in 2019 due to the amount of people suggesting a Shadow variant of the Floaty Blue for Nitro Math. It was first offered to Vielle by Travis, and then to Jacob and PenguinTyper.
    • This was despite the fact that Jacob encouraged everyone to suggest the Shadow Floaty to Nitro Math, due to the fact he originated the Shadow Floaty joke, going as far back as 2016.
  • Overcomer was manually awarded this sticker on June 30, 2024 for his contributions to the community, including his role in handling community suggestions at FeatureShift.
User Profile Link Reason
Jacob link Originating the Shadow Floaty meme
Travis link Nitro admin and contributor to the meme
Vielle link Contributor to the Shadow Floaty meme
PenguinTyper link
Overcomer link Contributor to the Nitro FeatureShift site