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Nitro Wiki

A retro classic with an eye-catching red paint job. The 8 Bit Racer is meant for the old-school elite.

Not to be confused with 9 Bit Racer, a variant of this car.

The 8 Bit Racer is a car that could be obtained by completing the Nitro Type Elite achievement, which required having 25 players join Nitro Type via one's custom join link and having them each complete at least 20 races before the Nitro Type 2.0 update. It was also made available for purchase from the Shop. See below


  • The car was made unobtainable once Nitro Type 2.0 launched. The Nitro admins stated that they would eventually make it achievable in some other way. Six years later, it was released in the Shop.
    • This car was a contestant in a car tournament that was hosted by the Nitro Type Hub Twitter account. If it won, it would have a sooner re-release. Instead, the Hang Eleven was chosen.[1]
  • The 9 Bit Racer is a variant of this car.
    • The 8 Bit Racer is slightly larger than the 9 Bit Racer.
  • It received a price change from $1,000,000 to $5,010,101 prior to its Shop release.
    • The 8 Bit Racer's price of $5,010,101 is a reference to Binary, which is a code that includes only 1s and 0s.
  • Along with 9 Bit Racer, it is designed to resemble a sprite from an 8-bit game. Both designs take inspiration from Rally-X, a 1980 video game by Namco.
  • On May 25, 2022, its rarity was changed from Rare to Epic.
  • It is based on a McLaren MP4-28.


Shop Availability[]

Starting Date Ending Date Price
August 31, 2024 September 7, 2024 $5,010,101
November 4, 2023 November 11, 2023
January 1, 2023 January 8, 2023
May 21, 2022 May 28, 2022
November 13, 2021 November 20, 2021
